Check List

Bite: Complete
Lower teeth: Complete
Upper teeth: Complete
Braces off:
Lower fixed retainer:
Upper essix retainer I:
Upper essix retainer II:

Friday, 12 August 2011

1:00 pm Wednesday 15th September 2010

Braces Go On!
I sat in school that morning while being very excited. The time came, and I had something to eat, and then went to the orthodontist with my mum. The orthodontist called my name and I sat on the chair. She put a Removable appliance” on my upper teeth to correct my bite, and a “Fixed Appliance” on my lower teeth to straighten them. My teeth felt slightly strange after getting braces, but it was only when I got home and  tried to eat, that the pain started. I took some ibuprofen tablets to ease the pain, but I was still unable to eat. The pain continued for about a week, although it gradually faded away. I got turquoise braces (although they turned green after a while).

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